Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

On this page you will find resources to help you with equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) issues or situations, including harassment assistance and psychological help. We also introduce you to the joint EDI Committee of the Center for Research on Advanced Materials (CERMA) and the Renewable Materials Research Centre (CRMR) and some basic definitions.

Diversité et d’inclusion – Le gouvernement du Canada lance une nouvelle boîte à outils et des ressources pour le Défi 50-30 (ameqenligne.com)


Equity is an approach to treating each individual, and each historically disadvantaged group, fairly, taking into account the particular characteristics of their situation in order to place them on an equal footing with the majority group. It is opposed to the systematic application of a standard without considering the differences and diversity of society. Recognizing that the social structure has differential effects for the majority group compared to under-represented groups, this approach aims to correct this imbalance and ensure that all individuals are entitled to the same benefits (equal opportunity) by considering the particular characteristics of their situation. 


A term often used to refer to the differences, or similarities, between individuals within a group or organization. Socio-demographic characteristics are commonly used to distinguish one from another; for example, gender, sex, ethnicity, origin, physical appearance, religion or beliefs, values, age, education, language and/or sexual orientation. Individuals with socio-demographic characteristics different from the majority group are likely to offer diverse and complementary opinions, ideas, work and life experiences, skills, and knowledge. 


Through actions and measures, create an environment that welcomes, respects and values diversity so that all members of its community feel that they have a place, can contribute, and can receive recognition for that contribution. If their particular situation requires it, the organization accompanies them and offers them measures to promote their well-being and fulfillment. It is a sustained commitment to welcoming, integrating, accompanying, and advancing. 

Underrepresented groups

In terms of equity, underrepresented groups are discriminated against groups that face systemic barriers in their daily lives, including in the areas of education and employment.

Reference: https://www.ulaval.ca/equite-diversite-inclusion/concepts-cles-en-edi

Site EDI ULaval : https://www.ulaval.ca/equite-diversite-inclusion

Équité, diversité et inclusion au sein des universités québécoises

Violence et harcèlement (victime ou témoin)

Santé et aide psychologique

Associations étudiantes (accueil)

Demandes de subvention

Écriture inclusive


Aide financière

À l’attention des organisations

Presentation of the joint EDI Committee between the CERMA and the CRMR

The EDI Committee aims to be as representative as possible of the diverse realities of the members of the two centers in order to promote a plurality of thinking and opinions during the exchanges. We want the EDI Committee to be as representative as possible of the diversity of the two centers, whether in terms of cultural diversity, age, gender, capacity, status, etc. It is formed from any interested member, whether they are students, research professors, post-doctoral fellows, administrative or research employee of the CERMA and the CRMR who wish to participate in the discussions.

Contact: EDI.CRMR.CERMA@ulaval.ca

The mandate of the EDI Committee is to positively influence the executive committees of the two centers to integrate EDI principles into the operations of the centers, to promote these principles to their members, and to raise awareness of systemic biases that may be detrimental to the development of members. EDI Committee members become ambassadors of EDI best practices. The EDI Committee has the authority to form sub-committees or initiative teams to carry out specific mandates and may invite any persons it deems useful to accomplish its work. 

Specific objectives 

  • Raise awareness of EDI within the center community 
  • Provide tools and/or referrals to appropriate resources for members who are experiencing injustice, discrimination, harassment, and aggression in their efforts to denounce them. 
  • To review the operating procedures of the centers in order to eliminate systemic discrimination that may affect the under-represented groups of the CERMA and the CRMR in any way 
  • Foster an inclusive and safe environment in the centers to eliminate any sense of exclusion experienced by underrepresented groups in the CERMA and the CRMR
  • To promote and assist in the development of an EDI culture within the CERMA and the CRMR

The EDI Committee aims to be as representative as possible of the diverse realities of the members of the two centers in order to promote a plurality of thinking and opinions during the exchanges. We want the committee to be as representative as possible of the diversity of the two centers, whether in terms of cultural diversity, age, gender, capacity, status, etc. It is composed of any interested member, be they students, professors, post-doctoral researchers, administrative, technical or research staff of the CERMA and the CRMR who wish to participate in the discussions. 

The EDI Committee is composed of:

  • Véronic Landry (CRMR)
  • Besma Bouslimi (CRMR)
  • Thierry Lefèvre (CERMA)
  • Rosilei Garcia (CRMR)
  • Anthony Jolly (CERMA)
  • Maylis Carrère  (CRMR)
  • Liza Abid (CRMR)
  • Vahideh Akbari  (CRMR)
  • Nicolas Gaudreault (CERMA)

The EDI Committee will soon be expanded to include other members of both centers.

The CRMR and CERMA are launching their EDI (equity, diversity, inclusion) scholarship competition, today.  Four $500 awards are available for their student and postdoctoral communities.

To apply, simply propose a project that promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research centers, and participate in its implementation in conjunction with the CERMA-CRMR EDI Committee.

The purpose of these scholarships is to promote the participation of the student and post-doctoral community in EDI Committee activities, develop their cross-disciplinary skills, and to enrich their CVs.

Please find attached the competition details to participate. To assist you in developing your project, you will also find attached highlights of the EDI Committee’s 2022 member survey results:

The deadline for entries is Friday June 21, 2024 at 4:00 pm. Competition results will be announced in July 2024.

Please feel free to contact us if you need more clarification.

We look forward to receiving your proposals by e-mail at edi.crmr.cerma@ulaval.ca or besma.bouslimi@sbf.ulaval.ca.