Undergraduate internship

No internship offered at the moment

M.Sc. project

Exploring business models for upgrading cellulose filaments into innovative, sustainable and renewable bioproducts

Supervision :  Robert Beauregard (director), Université Laval; Yan Cimon (codirector), Université Laval 
Starting date: May 2024 or September 2024

Description of the project

Fire design of prefabricated and modular buildings

Supervision : Christian Dagenais, Université Laval
Starting date: Depending on the candidate’s availability
Description of the project

Hygrothermal and energy performance of multifunctional structural composite panels

Supervision : Xiaodong Wang (director), Université Laval;  Alain Cloutier (codirector), Université Laval
Starting date: September 2024 or according to the candidate’s availability
Description de l’offre

Aménager sa forêt : Comprendre la réponse des propriétaires forestiers aux programmes gouvernementaux de protection et de mise en valeur des forêts privées

Supervision: Maude Flamand-Hubert, Université Laval;  Jean Dubé, Université Laval (ESAD)
Starting date: winter 2023
Description of the project

Caractérisation de la performance thermique du bois exposé à des scénarios de feux

Supervision: Christian Dagenais, Université Laval
Starting date: depending on the candidate’s availability
Description of the project

Conception d’un système d’attache pour les panneaux de revêtements extérieurs

Supervision: Michel De Blois, Université Laval; Pierre Blanchet, Université Laval (CIRCERB)
Start Date: as soon as possible
Description of the project

Développement d’un cadre d’analyse des modes de défaillance des systèmes d’enveloppe dans la construction en bois

Supervision: Louis Gosselin, Université Laval (CIRCERB)
Starting date: depending on the candidate’s availability
Description of the project

Diffusion et adoption innovantes en forêt privée : le cas des milieux humides

Supervision: Maude Flamand-Hubert
Starting date: winter 2023
Description of the projet

Ph.D. project

Evolution of growth and structural attributes of temperate forests following partial cuts using remote sensing data. ( M.Sc.  possible)

Supervision : Alexandre Morin-Bernard (director), Université Laval; Guillaume Moreau (codirection), Université Laval;  Yan Boucher (codirection), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Starting date: From now until the position is filled
Description of the project

Reduced energy consumption associated with fiber refining in MDF production

Supervision : Rémi Georges, Université Laval
Starting date : September 2024 or according to the candidate’s availability
Description of the project

Postdoctoral fellowship

Assessing mitigation capacity of forest management strategies using a multiscale platform of carbon dynamics modeling

Supervision: Frédérik Doyon, UQO; Evelyne Thiffault, Université Laval
Starting date: September 2023 or depending on the candidate’s availability
Description of the project

Research assistant

No research assistant job offered at the moment

Note, it is always possible to go and see the recruitment offers posted on the CIRCERB website, directed by Pierre Blanchet, or the CRIF website, directed by Véronic Landry, or Corepan-Bois website, directed by Alain Cloutier.
