The CIRCERB has a significant presence at the «International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials – ICBBM 2023».

26 June 2023

Five students from the Industrial Research Chair on Eco-responsible Wood Construction (CIRCERB) presented their research findings at the 5th International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials (ICBBM), held from June 21 to 23, 2023, in Vienna, Austria.

Congratulations toAlex Mary, Abdessamad Jiloul, Leonardo Delgadillo Buenrostro, Manon Beaufils-Marquet and Dadras Chomachayi Masoud. Best regards in your research careers!

With over 200 participants, the conference was an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas with experts in the field, and to grow personally!

Alex Mary presented her paper entitled «Polyurethane wood adhesives from microbrewery spent grains», under the supervision of Pierre Blanchet and  Véronic Landry.

Under the supervision of Pierre Blanchet and Clément Boudaud, Abdessamad Jiloul presented his paper entitled «Mechanical characterization of corrugated wood-based panels and potential structural applications in a building» at this major event.

Leonardo Delgadillo Buenrostro works under the supervision of Louis Gosselin and Pierre Blanchet and presented his paper entitled «Numerical Investigation of Mold Growth Risk in Vapor-Permeable Building Envelopes with Bio-Based Insulation in Cold Climates».

Manon Beaufils-Marquet  gave an excellent speech on « Insulating foams with cellulose fibers». She works under the supervision of  Véronic Landry et Pierre Blanchet .

 Dadras Chomachayi Masoud  presented his work entitled «Fully bio-based barrier membranes developed from polylactic acid and cellulose microfibers». His research supervisor is Pierre Blanchet.
