Trainer: Jacopo Profili, research professional at CERMA.
Leticia Marin De Andrade, Ph.D. student, Biomaterials and Bioengineering Laboratory of Laval University.
Target audience: Graduate student community, faculty and research staff!
The CRMR and the MRQ Network invite you to this training to discover and exploit new communication methods!
In brief, here are the elements that will be explored in the training :
Session 1 – May 17, 9am-12pm
· Part 1: Basics of science communication
· Part 2: Perspectives in scientific communication – intervention, tips and testimonials with potential guests: Laurent Dallaire (Innodal), Emilie Dubois (Impakt Scientifik), Richard Vallerand (Curium et Vallerand Illustrations) and Nathalie Grandvaux (Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine – CRCHUM).
Session 2 – May 19, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Hands-on activity: Establishing a successful communication strategy (presentation of a scientific illustration, poster, graphics, pitch, etc.). Students or (others: researchers, professionals) will have to choose a real example of a type of scientific communication they want to improve.
We look forward to seeing many of you there!