The CRMR has revised its statutes

16 March 2022

The Renewable Materials Research Center recently revised its statutes. They were adopted by the Members’ Assembly on March 10, 2022.

There are various reasons why these changes were made. Since March 2021, we have had a co-director (Véronic Landry) and we also established an Executive Committee in December 2021. Our statutes had to reflect these changes in the governance structure.

Other changes were also made at the request of the Commission de la recherche de l’Université Laval (CRUL). We had to modify the criteria for the recognition of regular researchers so that they would specify the requirements for funding and supervision of students.

Finally, the statutes were drafted according to the recommendations of the Guide de rédaction inclusive de l’Université Laval.

Read the new CRMR statutes.
