See the complete program:
Issue and objectives
Over the last few decades, the wood industry has greatly transformed and diversified. New ways to valorize the waste and by-products of this industry are currently being developed and will allow to diversify and especially to optimize the use of wood. For example, a lot of promising work has been done on forest bioenergy and the use of cellulose fibers and nanocrystalline cellulose. In the same context, new products for the protection, finishing, gluing or modification of wood with a lower environmental impact and increased performance have also been developed or are currently under development. In order to continue this trend and to ensure optimal use of wood and its products, it is essential to establish interdisciplinary collaborations between the various players in research (universities, college technology transfer centers, research centers, etc.) and with the practical community. This symposium will provide an update on the recent advances in the field of biomaterials, advanced materials and bioenergy in the wood industry, but also to create links between the various actors working closely or remotely in research on wood materials, but also in the private sector. This symposium will allow the growth of research fields involved in the valorisation of wood products.
The conference organizers would like to thank the speakers for their involvement and for sharing the results of various research and development projects. These works have highlighted the current state of the art regarding new ways of recovery of waste and by-products of the wood industry for a better use of natural resources in a context of fight against climate change.
This conference benefited from the financial support of the organizing institutions and partners (FPInnovations, Innofibre, Serex, Renewable Materials Research Centre, NSERC – Canlak Industrial Research Chair in Interior Wood Product Finishing, Canada Research Chair in Wood Optimization, Characterization and Processing, UQTR Research Chair of Advanced materials for Health and Security at work and the Centre d’innovation en ébénisterie et meuble (INOVEM)), to award the student prizes (1950$).
Congratulations to our student prize winners:
Solène Pellerin who won the prize for the 1st best oral presentation ($600)!
Zeinab Hamzeh who won the prize for the 2nd best oral presentation ($450)!
Sarra Helaoui who won the prize for the 3rd best oral presentation ($400)!
Maxime Parot who won the hit of heart prize ($400)!
Claudie-Maude who won the prize for best science popularization ($100)!
Conference organizers