Anne Bernard who successfully defended her doctoral thesis in forestry sciences on November 15, under the direction of Nancy Gélinas. Her thesis was on the demystification of integrated resource and land management (Gestion Intégrée des Ressources et du Territoire – GIRT), one actor at a time.
Juliette Triquet who successfully defended her doctoral thesis in wood and bio-based materials engineering on November 16, under the direction of Véronic Landry and the co-direction of Pierre Blanchet. His thesis focused on the development and characterization of a wood material densified on the surface by impregnation of acrylate monomers and in-situ electron beam polymerization.
Aurélien Hermann who successfully defended his PhD thesis in wood and bio-based materials engineering, on November 22, under the direction of Véronic Landry and the co-direction of Dominique Burr of the University of Haute-Alsace. Her thesis focused on the development of a high performance UV curable finishing system.
Roberta Dagher who successfully defended her doctoral thesis in wood and bio-based materials engineering on December 6, under the direction of Véronic Landry and the co-direction of Tatjana Stevanovic. His thesis focused on the staining of wood by aqueous solutions of metal salts: study of the factors influencing the development of color and its impact on the final appearance and aging of wood.