Congratulations to Vahideh Akbari, recipient of the « AWPA Student Travel Grant », in recognition of her expertise and motivation to protect wood materials!

12 February 2024

We are pleased to announce that Vahideh Akbari, a PhD student in wood and bio-based materials engineering, and  member of the of the Renewable Materials Research Center (CRMR), has been awarded the « Student Travel Grant », worth US$1,300. The scholarship, offered by the American Wood Protection Association, recognizes his outstanding contribution and highlights the importance of his work in the field of wood materials preservation.

Congratulations Vahideh and have a great conference!

As a member of the Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG – Canlak en finition des produits du bois d’intérieur (CRIF), Vahideh’s research project aims to « Develop innovative wood hardening solutions », under the direction of Professor Véronic Landry, CRIF Chairholder.
