Congratulations to Maylis Carrère, Vahideh Akbari and Florence Leduc for winning the Renewable Materials Research Centre Motivational Scholarships!

22 December 2023

Congratulations to Maylis Carrère, Vahideh Akbari and Florence Leduc, our three recipients of the $250 motivational scholarships offered by the Centre de recherche sur les matériaux renouvelables (CRMR)!

The purpose of these awards is to motivate students and increase the number of applications for named and merit-based awards.

In order to sensitize the researchers of the center and to accompany the students in their applications for the named scholarships, several measures have been put in place by the CRMR this year, mainly :

  • Communication and information about Canada Graduate Scholarships programs (NSERC, FRQNT, SSHRC, etc.) on a regular basis by email, the website and social networks.
  • Accompanying students in their application process, by organizing application assistance sessions with funding agencies, in the presence of students who have won post-graduate scholarships, and by sharing their previous scholarship applications.
  • Awarded three $250 scholarships to motivate students to apply for named and merit-based scholarships.

These incentives have had a positive impact on student participation and have significantly increased the number of scholarship applications at our Centre. This shows that our efforts to encourage access to research and excellence are paying off, and we are proud to announce that 9 scholarship applications were submitted by the CRMR student community during 2023!

We applaud all the students who applied for the named scholarships and congratulate the winners for 2023!

Table 1. Lists of students who applied for the nominal and merit-based scholarships for 2023.

The CRMR is committed to continuing to evaluate the effectiveness of these measures and to gathering feedback from students to further improve the scholarship application process and ensure that incentives remain relevant to the needs of the student community.

The draw was made in the presence of Amirouche Sadaoui on 14 December 2023 at 2 pm.
