Congratulations to Luigiano Duarte, the recipient of the « The Citizens of the World Excellence scholarship »!

8 February 2024

We are pleased to announce that Luigiano Duarte, a master’s student in wood and bio-based materials engineering, and member of the Renewable Materials Research Centre, has been awarded  The Citizens of the World Excellence scholarship, valued at $20,000.

This scholarship, offered by Laval University, is a well-deserved recognition of his skills and academic excellence!

Congratulations Luigiano on this remarkable achievement, and all the best in your research!

Part of the NSERC Industrial Research Chair on Eco-responsible Wood Construction (CIRCERB), Luigiano’s research project focuses on the « Design and characterization of an energy-efficient biosourced envelope », under the supervision of Professor Pierre Blanchet, CIRCERB Chairholder.
