Success of the symposium «A forest of owners: an incursion into the heart of private woodlots» at the 89th ACFAS convention

27 May 2022

See detailed program:


Private forests represent 8% of Quebec’s forest territory and 16% of productive areas. More than 133,000 landowners share the stewardship of these areas throughout the different regions of Quebec. Located mainly near population centers and processing plants, private forests are used for many purposes: wood production, recreation, vacation, food, conservation. As living environments, they are a major component of rural Quebec. In the Quebec context, where public forests dominate in terms of surface area, private forests have so far passed under the radar of the scientific community. However, they constitute a rich and complex research object that deserves to be explored in all its complexity. This symposium proposes an interdisciplinary incursion into the heart of private forests around the theme of forest management plan (FMP). It aims to create a unique and unprecedented meeting place for the scientific community and the actors working in private forests.

This space for dialogue is necessary in order to fully integrate the private forest territory to the issues facing our society: climate change, wood supply, vitality of local communities, well-being of populations. In this respect, the PAF can play a privileged role in helping society face these challenges. This symposium therefore invites speakers to address the following questions What role for private forests in the sustainable management issues of the 21st century? How to adapt the management plan to environmental and societal challenges? How to adjust forest management plans to the reality of landowners? Ultimately, this conference will allow the emergence, in Quebec, of a field of research already well underway worldwide.


The CLE en gestion durable des forêts privées would like to thank the Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics of Université Laval, the ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, Domtar and the Fédération des producteurs forestiers du Québec. This conference was supported by the Centre de recherche en développement territorial and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


  • Maude Flamand-Hubert, Leadership Chair in Sustainable Private Forest Management, Assistant
    management of private forests, Assistant Professor, Université Laval, Ph.D. Regional development/modern and contemporary history regional development/modern and contemporary history
  • Anne Bernard, postdoctoral researcher at Université Laval, Social Forestry

The scientific committee

  • Alexandre Guay-Picard, Eng. F., service de la forêt privée, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et Parcs, Sylviculture Faune et des Parcs, Sylviculture
  • Timothée Fouqueray, postdoctoral researcher, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Participatory simulations of ecosystem management
  • Philippe Nolet, professor, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Institute of Temperate Forest Forest Sciences, Applied Ecology and Silviculture
  • Jérôme Cimon-Morin, Biol., Eng. F., Assistant Professor, Université Laval, Integrated land use planning, ecological services and biodiversity
  • Luc LeBel, Eng. F., Professor at Laval University, Forestry Operations

All the details are in this document: 89e ACFAS-A forest of owners
