Evelyne Thiffault offered a conference at the Geotop seminars!

2 May 2024

On April 16, 2024, during the Geotop seminars, Professor Evelyne Thiffault, member of the Renewable Materials Research Centre (CRMR) and Scientific Director of Foret Montmorency, offered a conference entitled «The Quebec forestry sector and the fight against climate change»!

Well done to Evelyne, and many thanks to the Centre de recherche sur la dynamique du système Terre (Geotop) for organizing this event!

Conference summary

Climate change is already affecting the planet, bringing more frequent droughts, heat waves and extreme precipitation. Warming in the Northern Hemisphere is about twice as great as global warming, and the boreal forest appears to be particularly at risk in the face of a changing climate. That said, forestry is recognized as a key player in the fight against climate change, because it can mobilize communities within their territory. Ambitious actions involving all those involved in forest management, wood processing and utilization can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Implementing these actions requires a detailed knowledge of the territory and the dynamics of forest ecosystems, but above all it means strengthening the links between forests, the communities that live in them and society’s need for materials and energy.
