CRMR’s Scientific Vulgarization Scholarship-autumn session 2023
5 July 2023
Eligible persons:Â only students who are members of the CRMR can apply for this scholarship.
Objectives: To promote excellence, collaboration, and innovation in relation to the CRMR’s research areas and to popularize the research and knowledge developed.
Amount granted:Â 250$ per article
Deadline: The program opens until funds are exhausted (maximum $1,000 for the 2023 autumn session).
Rules and selection criteria
- The student must write a 700 to 1500-word text vulgarizing the content of a scientific article that he or she has recently published (less than one year) on a subject related to one of the CRMR’s axes and for which at least two of the authors are members of the CRMR.
- He or she must be a student or have graduated within the last 4 months (registration is mandatory for the autumn 2023 session for graduate students).
- Only one scholarship per student per session.
- The text must be well-written and popularized for a large enough audience.
- The text must be accompanied by at least one photo or image.
- References must be included in the text ([1]) as well as a bibliography.
- The student must take into account the revisions made by the coordinating committee.
- The student must agree to have the text published on social networks and on the CRMR website.
Required documents
- A text of 700 to 1500 words.
- One or more images and/or video(s).
Send all required documents before the 15th of the month, by email, to Please note that source images and videos must be sent separately, identified with your initials and the figure/media number.