CRMR Financial Support Program – Student Mobility (2023 – 2024)

20 June 2023



Mai 2023 to Avril 2024



Objective: Contribute to the reimbursement of the accommodation expenses of a student (or postdoctoral fellow) member of the CRMR who presents a paper at an international scientific event (symposium, seminar, congress).

Deadline: This program is open throughout the year. Funding is available until the annual budget is exhausted.

Amount awarded per activity: $1,000 or 50% of costs (minimum of both amounts) and reimbursed to the research project of the CRMR professor member incurring the expense.

Guidelines and selection criteria

  • Be registered as a full-time graduate student or post-doctoral fellow.
  • Have a director or co-director who is a member of the CRMR of University Laval and be a student member of the CRMR.
  • Have completed a minimum of two semesters in their current program of study (related to the CRMR’s research axes).
  • Present a paper (scientific conference or poster) at an international event.
  • Only one activity per student per year will be funded.
  •  A maximum of two activities per researcher per year will be funded. However, if there is still a budget left in this program at the end of the year, additional activities may be funded.
  • Amount awarded per activity: $1,000 or 50% of costs (minimum of both amounts). The student must submit the request for support, in collaboration with his or her supervisor or co-supervisor, but the funds awarded are paid directly to the research project.
  •  Funding is available until the budget is exhausted.
  • Students must provide their photo and agree to promote the event on the CRMR website and
    social networks.

Required documents:

  • Application form
  • The abstract of the paper
  • Proof of acceptance of the communication
  • Student’s photoTransmission:


Send all the required documents in a single PDF document at least 30 days before the beginning of the activity, by email to Besma Bouslimi:
