Congratulations to Pierre Blanchet and Véronic Landry on receiving a $52,045 partnership grant from NSERC’s Alliance Advantage program, in collaboration with Produit Boréal!

3 May 2024

Pierre Blanchet and Véronic Landry, prominent researchers at Laval University, were recently awarded a $52,045 partnership grant as part of NSERC’s Avantage Alliance program. This successful collaboration was established with the company Produit Boréal, with the specific aim of improving the durability of construction products for commercial and multiplex buildings. This grant is of the utmost importance, as it will not only support the research and development of innovative technologies in this field, but also provide a valuable research partnership opportunity for a master’s student in wood and bio-based materials engineering at Université Laval. This promising project paves the way for significant advances in the field of sustainable construction, and reinforces Laval University’s position as a leader in the field.

Congratulations for this remarkable achievement!
