Many countries, including Canada, have experienced large-scale forest fires in recent years. These fires can devastate the environment, wildlife, homes and human health!
📅On Monday, October 2, under the « Ask Me Anything (AMA) » concept, Professor Evelyne Thiffault, a regular member of the CRMR, and researcher Yan Boulanger from Natural Resources Canada will answer your questions about « forest fires » live on YouTube and in person in room 2320-2330 of the Gene-H.-Kruger Pavilion, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. The intrepid Rémi Cadieux-Lynch will animate the event!
🙏We encourage you to submit your questions in advance for Rémi Cadieux-Lynch (! It will also be possible to ask your questions live in person (at GHK 2320-23230) and via Youtube chat (@ForesterieGeoGeomatique-ULaval), on October 2, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Thank you in advance for your participation, and don’t miss this discussion on forest fires, a subject of great importance and growing interest.