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Congratulations Filip Haverljuk

1 June 2015
Filip successfully defended his Ph.D thesis entitled «Évaluation visuelle des arbres feuillus sur pied et valeur des produits transformés». Examining committee members were: André Desrochers (président, U. Laval), Alexis Achim (d... Continue reading »

Another honor for Antoine Cogulet

29 April 2015
Antoine Cogulet, a Ph.D. student with the Chaire de recherche industrielle du CRSNG sur la construction écoresponsable en bois (CIRCERB) and a CRMR member, will represent Université Laval during the finale of the «Ma Thèse en 182 S... Continue reading »

Video clips from Innofibre

10 April 2015
Innofibre has published on their website and on YouTube a series of video clips presenting different apsects of cellulosic fibre-based product developpement: 1) Biorefining 2) Production of filtering membranes 3) Bioactive packagi... Continue reading »