A new scientist and partner for CRMR

17 March 2017

The CRMR would like to welcome Mr. Hassine Bouafif, associate professor at UQAT (Université du Québec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue) and director general of CTRI (Centre technologique des résidus industriels). CTRI is a technology transfer centre (associated with Cégep de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue) whose mission is to offer innovative technological solutions, applied R & D and state-of-the-art technical tests for the recovery of industrial residues and underutilized resources. Manager of the CTRI biomass, bioenergy & bioproducts laboratory, Mr. Bouafif has a scientific expertise on biosourced materials, as well as a knowledge of the socio-economic environment for applied research and innovation in this field. His experience contributes to CRMR’s mission on the research for responsible use of residual lignocellulosic resources. The CTRI becomes at the same time a new official partner of CRMR.
