June 2024 CRMR News!

27 June 2024

You will find below the news and current events of the CRMR for the month of June 2024! Enjoy your reading.

For a detailed list of news and upcoming events, please refer to the main page of the CRMR website, as well as our social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter) and the CRMR Youtube Channel!

Important dates – Financing, Awards and Congresses

  • Grant applications: a webinar (July 10, 2024) and a summer school (August 5-9, 2024) organized by the Fonds de recherche du Québec and its partner, Thèsez-vous. Read more!
  • September 26, 2024. Deadline for the call for proposals « A new program for research activities in the Innovation Zone – Energy Transition Valley ». Details here!
  • October 16-18, 2024-UQAC. Progress in sustainable development: science and engineering for the ecological and energy transition. Details here!

Achievements and successes

  • « Let’s Dance on the Denser Floor! » discover the inspiring presentation by Vahideh Akbari, winner of the English final of the MT180 competition at Université Laval. Details here!
  • « A toast to biobased adhesives! »! Discover Alex Mary’s exciting project to use food by-products to create eco-friendly, sustainable adhesives! Details here!
  • Professor Alexander Salenikovich was honored to be invited by Thornton Tomasetti to Chicago to discuss solid wood construction! Details here!
  • Assira Keralta’s seminar at the University of Waterloo’s Chemical Engineering Department! Details here!
  • Participation of Kiavash Gholamizoj at the NextGen Wood Conference 2024. Details here!
  • Philippe Riel wins a $5,000 CRMR Summer 2024 Support Scholarship! Details here!
  • Dynamic participation by the Corepan-Bois team at the 4th CRCBois Symposium! Details here!
  • Congratulations to Zahra Hosseini on her successful PhD defence! Details here!

Learning and know-how!

Articles published in peer-reviewed research journals.

  • Delgadillo Buenrostro, L., Gosselin, L., Blanchet, P. (2024). Hygrothermal response to air movements in wall junctions: Comparison between two numerical approaches and experiments. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 203, 109169. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2024.109169.
  • Irwin, L. A. K., Coops, N. C., Riofrío, J., Grubinger, S. G., Barbeito, I., Achim, A., Roeser, D. (2024). Prioritizing commercial thinning: quantification of growth and competition with high-density drone laser scanning. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpae030.
  • Mulverhill, C., Coops, N. C., White, J. C., Tompalski, P., Achim, A. (2024). Evaluating the potential for continuous update of enhanced forest inventory attributes using optical satellite data. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpae029.
  • Sylvain, J-D., Drolet, G., Kiriazis, N., Thiffault, E., Anctil, F. (2024). Assessing the hydroclimatic sensitivity of tree species in Northeastern America through spatiotemporal modelling of annual tree growth. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, Volume 355, 110079. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110079.
  • Sylvain, J-D., Drolet, G., Thiffault, E., Anctil, F. (2024). High-resolution mapping of tree species and associated uncertainty by combining aerial remote sensing data and convolutional neural networks ensemble. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Volume 131, 103960. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2024.103960.

Conference papers  

  • Just, A., Buchanan, A., Östman, B., Klippel, M., Barber, D., Claridge, E., Dagenais, C., Dunn, A., England, P., Janssens, M., Mikkola, E., Wade, C., Werther, N. (2024). Fire Safe Use of Wood in Buildings—Global Design Guide. In L. Makovická Osvaldová, L. E. Hasburgh, & O. Das (Eds.), Wood & Fire Safety, pp. 317–325. Springer Nature Switzerland.  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-59177-8_37.
  • Marouani, E., Ziadi, N., Lévesque, V., Benzina Kolsi, N., Bouslimi, B., Koubaa, A. (2024). Granulation of Paper Residues with Wood Ash and Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 43. Springer, Singapore.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-2000-2_31.
  • Torki, K., Bouafif, H., Bouslimi, B., Koubaa, A. (2024). Optimization of Bio-oil Production and Advanced Characterization of Pyrolysis Products from Creosoted Wood. Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 43, 2820-287. Springer. Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-2000-2_32.

Do you think that your laboratory needs more visibility despite its successes? Help me better represent you by sharing your news (conferences, grants, conference videos, etc.) and publications (articles, book chapters, etc.)!
