Meng Gong’s conference on « Stress in wood »!

1 August 2024

The  Renewable Materials Research Center invites you to Meng Gong’s conference, entitled «Stress in wood », to be held on Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 11 a.m., in Room 2320-2330 of the Gene-H.-Kruger Pavilion, at Laval University, in Quebec City. The conference will be in English and in presence. Welcome to all!

Summary of the conference « Stress in wood »

This presentation will discuss the stress-related topics, including growth stresses in living trees, and evolution of wood strength from the molecular level to the actual design implementation. It will also briefly introduce the research activities at the Wood Science and Technology Centre, the University of New Brunswick.

About the speaker

Dr. Meng Gong is a professor specializing in innovative wood products and timber engineering within the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management at the University of New Brunswick (UNB). He graduated with a BScE and MScE in Wood Science and Technology at Nanjing Forestry University (China), and a PhD (Wood Engineering) at UNB. After he worked as a JSPS Fellow in Kyoto University (Japan), Dr. Gong joined UNB in 2003 as Research Scientist with the Wood Science and Technology Centre (WSTC) and was/is the Director (2008-2011, 2016-present) of WSTC. He was appointed as New Brunswick Innovation Research Chair in 2016, leading a 5-year research program in Advanced Wood Products and Construction.

Dr. Gong’s research focuses on wood quality, wood modification, and engineered wood products. He is dedicated to the development, research, and commercialization of engineered wood products and their applications in construction. Dr. Gong has published over 140 peer-reviewed research papers and more than 80 technical reports on wood technology and engineering. His current research interests include innovative engineered wood products, mobile/fixed tiny wood houses, and the life cycle assessment of wood products and timber buildings.

Since 2017, Dr. Gong has been a voting member of the Canadian Commission on Construction Materials Evaluations (CCCME), National Research Council (NRC), Canada. He has also been one of nine voting members on the Scheme Committee of the Canadian Construction Material Centre (CCMC), NRC, since 2008, and is the only expert in wood products located in Atlantic Canada. In 2015, Dr. Gong was elected as a Fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS), an internationally recognized honor in the wood science community.
