Alex Mary attends the 2024 edition of SoapBox Science!

16 June 2024
Please note that the Soapbox Science event has been postponed to Sunday, June 16 due to weather conditions. Times and location remain the same: in the Museum Park from 1 pm to 4 pm.
Alex Mary will be present at the 2024 edition of SoapBox Science, which takes place on June 8, 2024, at Parc du Musée in Quebec City, from 1 to 4 pm. She will cover a captivating topic on the theme  « Let’s toast to eco-friendly adhesives!».

Alex holds an engineering degree in chemistry and engineering physics from France and is currently pursuing a PhD in wood and bio-based materials engineering at Laval University. She works at the Industrial Research Chair on Eco-responsible Wood Construction (CIRCERB) under the direction of Pierre Blanchet and Véronic Landry.

As part of her doctoral research, Alex is developing eco-friendly adhesives for engineered wood products using materials such as shrimp shells, microbrewery spent grains, soybean meal and skim milk powder. This approach aims to reduce reliance on petrochemicals in the composition of adhesives, helping to make wood constructions more environmentally friendly and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Summary of his conference: The global building sector accounts for almost 40% of greenhouse gas emissions, which have a major impact on climate change. One possible solution is to use more wood in construction. Wood is a renewable resource, sustainably harvested in Quebec. However, the glues used in wood construction are often made from non-ecological chemicals. This project aims to develop adhesives from local industrial waste to make wood construction more environmentally friendly.

To find out more about the other speakers, please visit:…
