Beech to supplant sugar maple in our forests: an article by Jean Hamann on the work of Émilie St-Jean for Professor Alexis Achim

29 September 2021

The proliferation of beech trees could change the face of maple forests in the medium term. An inter-university team of researchers is proposing forestry interventions that could tip the balance in favour of maple in this currently unequal battle.

Jean Hamann, journalist for ULaval Nouvelles, talk bout the work of the study Increased levels of harvest may favour sugar maple regeneration over American beech in northern hardwoods published in Forest Ecology and Management and first authored by Émilie St-Jean. In addition to Alexis Achim, the other signatories are Sébastien Meunier, from the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, Philippe Nolet, from UQO, and Christian Messier, from UQAM.

To read the ULaval Nouvelles article (in French), click here.
To read the scientific paper, click here.
